Thursday 14 March 2013

Tourist Spot Khagrachari

Khagrachari (Bengaliখাগড়াছড়ি) is a district in south-eastern Bangladesh. It is a part of the Chittagong Division and the Chittagong Hill Tracts. Its local name is "Chengmi". Khagrachari is also known as Phalang Htaung or the Mong Circle (of the rest of the three hill districts Rangamati is the Chakma Circle and Bandarban is the Bohmong Circle).
Khagrachari town is the home town of the Mong Chief (currently King, or Raja, Saching Prue Chowdhury) who is the head of the Arakanese descendants living in the circle. It also is the administrative headquarter of Khagrachari district.Khagrachari is a valley. It has three river namely Chengi, Kasalong and Maini. Chengi is the longest river in Khagrachari. Most of the land of Khagrachari are hilly areas.Most of the people lives on Jhum cultivation.

Khagrachari’s attractive tourists’ spots

1. Alutila Tourists spot: Khagrachari – Chittagong Road, 5 km away from the Parjatan motel. Local Buses, Chader gari, fare- 8/10 tk. Microbus can be rented as well.
2. Alutila Mysterious Cave: East of the Alutila Tourists’ spot under the mountain 150 meter long flowing natural waterfall. Chittagong Road, 5 km shout from the motel. Local Buses or Chader gari, fare- 8/10 tk. Microbus can be rented as well.
3. Richhang waterfall: Khagrachari – Chittagong road the area of Hridoy member. 7 km shout from the Porjoton motel. 2 km shout from Alutila, 1.50 km from east from the main road. Local bus or Chader gari until Hridoy Member area. Rest 1.50 km by foot.
4. Hundred or more years old banyan tree: Hundred or more years old banyan tree which is spreading almost 2 acres. Till Matiranga 10 number region of Khagrachari- Chittagong Road Buses / chader gari. Fare 10/15 tk, and rest 2.5 km by foot or own vehicles.
5. Nunchhori Debota Pond: The Nunchhori Tripura Village is 13 km south from Porjoton motel, 4 km west from Maishkhali Army camp of Khagrachari – Rangamati road. From there almost 1500 feet above, at the peak of the Mountain is the Debota lake. Local bus or chader gari of Khagrachari – Rangamati Route until Maishchori Army camp. Rest of the 4–5 km by foot. If there is private car then it can go until the Tripura Village.
6. Yonged Buddha Bihar: At Khagrachari town, 2 km far from Motel. Accessible by rickshaw.
7. Panichari Brihot Buddha sculpture: Shantipur Arannya Kuthir - 25 km south from Khagrachari is peripheral region. The largest Buddha sculpture of Bangladesh is situated here. Khagrachari – Panichari Local bus fare- 35 tk. The road is flat.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

World Heritage Site Sundarban

The largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world, located in the southern part of Bangladesh. With its array of trees and Wildlife the forest is a showpiece of natural history. It is also a centre of economic activities, such as extraction of timber, fishing and collection of Honey. The forest consists of about 200 islands, separated by about 400 interconnected tidal rivers, creeks and canals. The Bangla word ban means forest, and the name Sundarban was coined either from the forests of Sundari tree ie Sundari-ban, or from the forests of the samudra (sea) ie, Samudra-ban, or from its association with the primitive tribe Chandra-bandhe which was corrupted into Sundarban. The generally accepted explanation, however, is its derivation from the Sundari tree, the most common tree in these forests.


“Karamjol” is a forest station for the Rangers. Here you can see a dear breeding center. To visit Sundarban you need to go there with a guide and it is even better if you go there with a group.“Hiron Point” is another tourist spot in Sundarban. It is called the world heritage state. You can enjoy the beauty of wild nature and dotted dears walking and running in Hiron point. There are also two other Heritage side in Sundarban; one is Kochikhali and the other is Mandarbaria where you will find dears and birds. If you are lucky you can see the Great Royal Bengal Tiger, but for sure you can at least see the stepping of Great Royal Bengal Tiger here and there in these spots. “Katka” is one of Heritage sites in Sundarban. In “Katka” there is a wooden watching tower of 40 ft. high from where you can enjoy the scenic beauty of Sundarban. A beautiful sea beach is there is Katka; you will enjoy while you are walking to go the beach from the watching tower. Katka for deer, tiger, crocodiles, varieties of birds and monkey, morning and evening symphony of wild fowls.UNESCO has declared the Sundarbans a world Heritage site.

Monday 11 March 2013

Shalbon Bihar Moinamoti

Shalban vihara (Sanskrit; Bengali: সোমপুর বিহার Shalbon Bihar) in Moinamoti, Comilla, Bangladesh is one of the best known Buddhist viharas in the Indian Subcontinent and is one of the most important archeological sites in the country.

The city Comilla is located in the South-Eastern part of Bangladesh, about 97 km from Dhaka (Capital of Bangladesh) and situated along with the Dhaka-Chittagong Highway. The region was once under the ancient Samatat and joined with Tripura State (India). In 1970 the disrtrict was established as Tripura district.
During 8th century AD Mainamati-Lalmai was ruled by Deva Dynasty. In 9th century the district was came under the reign of the Kings Harikela and in 10th and mid 11th century AD ruled by Chandra Dynasty. The British East India Company started ruled over here in 1765 AD. It was established as Tripura district in 1790 AD. In 1960 AD the district was renamed Comilla. Chandpur and Brahmanbaria together was called the Biggest Comilla and 1984 this two region was transfirmed into another two distr

National mosque Baitul Mukarram

Baitul Mukarram (Arabicبيت المكرّم‎; Bengaliবায়তুল মুকাররম; The Holy House) is the national mosque of Bangladesh. Located at the center of Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh, the mosque was completed in 1968. The mosque has a capacity of 30,000, giving it the respectable position of being the 10th biggest mosque in the world. However the mosque is constantly getting overcrowded. This especially occurs during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, which has resulted in the Bangladeshi government having to add extensions to the mosque, thus increasing the capacity to at least 40,000.

The mosque has several modern architectural features whilst at the same time it preserves the traditional principles of Mughal architecture which has for some time been dominant in the Indian sub-continant.The mosque has several modern architectural features whilst at the same time it preserves the traditional principles of Mughal architecture which has for some time been dominant in the Indian sub-continant.The mosque is on a very high platform. The Baitul Mukarram Mosque’s building is eight storied and 99 feet high from the ground level. According to the original plan, the main entrance of the mosque was to be on the eastern side. The 'shaan' on the east is 29,000 square feet with ablution space on its south and north sides.Two patios (roofless inner courtyard) ensure that enough light and air enter the prayer hall of Baitul Mukarram Mosque. The mehrab of the hall is rectangular instead of semi-circular. Excessive ornamentation is avoided throughout the mosque, since minimizing ornamentation is typical of modern architecture.

Sunday 10 March 2013

Tourist spot Golden temple

The Buddha Dhatu Jadi, a Thervada Buddhist temple located in Balaghata in Banderban is the largest Buddhist temple of Bangladesh. Set atop a 60m hill, this temple popularly known as The Golden Temple exhibits unique Arakanese Architecture (South-East Asia style) and houses Lord Buddha's dhatu (material remains of a holy person) and the second largest statue of Lord Buddha in Bangladesh.
In Buddhism, it is believed that the worship of the dhatu offers calmness and joy in heart. In Mahaparinibbana Sutta, it is mentioned that before his passing away, the Buddha himself had instructed as to how his corporeal relics should be treated after his cremation and The Golden Temple as per the instructions has the dhatu housed beneath the four sculptures of Lord Buddha.

The dhatu was gifted to Venerable U Pannya Jota Thera in 1994 by the Government of Myanmar. The famous monk, a former Senior Assistant Judge
initiated the temple's construction in 1995 and since it's inauguration in 2000 has attracted pilgrims and travellers from all over the world.
The Buddha Dhatu Jadi is a part of the Buddhist Circuit Tour promoted by the SASEC (South Asia Sub regional Economic Cooperation) Tourism Development Project.

National Monument Shaheed Minar

Located near the Dhaka Medical College in DhakaBangladesh, the national monument known asShaheed Minar, was established in memory of those who were killed during the 1952 Bengali Language Movement demonstrations.  Two statues are placed at the entrance of the monument.
The Bengali Language Movement was formed as a political effort to advocate the recognition of the Bengali language as one of Pakistan’s official languages. At that time Bangladesh was East Pakistan and the Government of Pakistan had declared Urdu to be the sole national language, which the Bengali-speaking majority in the area objected to.Defying the ban, students of the University of Dhaka, along with other political activists, organized a protest to take place on 21 February 1952.

 Police opened fire on the protestors, resulting in dozens of deaths.Bangladeshi sculptor, Hamidur Rahman, designed and built a replacement monument, which stood until the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War. The monument was destroyed during the infamous "Operation Searchlight", in which the Pakistan Army attempted to curb the Bengali nationalist movement of East Pakistan, resulting in many deaths. However, following the granting of independence to Bangladesh the monument was rebuilt, and today serves as an important center of cultural activities in the city of Dhaka. The Language Movement martyrs are remembered at the Shaheed Minar every year.
Shaheed Minar is of such importance to the people of Bangladesh, that permanent replicas of the monument have been built in other countries where large Bangladeshi communities have settled. A replica monument is situated in the Altab Ali Park in the Tower Hamlets of East London and another is found in the Westwood neighborhood of Oldham. These replicas, and the original Shaheed Minar, serve as a reminder of those who made a stand to ensure that the Bangla language be given due recognition.

The Grand Architecture of Jatiyo Sangsad Bhaban

Located in the city of Dhaka, the National Assembly Building of BangladeshJatiyo Sangsad Bhaban, stands out as an architectural masterpiece surrounded by water and beautifully landscaped gardens. Considered to be the largest legislative complex in the world, it is home to all of Bangladesh’s parliamentary activity. It is also a popular tourist attraction, which is enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.Jatiyo Sangsad Bhaban, including the residences for the members of parliament and layout of the lawns and lake, was created by gifted American architect Louis I. Khan. Construction was started by the Government of Pakistan in 1961 and the building was earmarked for the federal legislature of East and West Pakistan.The architect’s key design philosophy was to represent Bangladeshi culture and heritage, while at the same time optimizing the use of space. The exterior of the building is striking in its simplicity, with huge walls deeply recessed by porticoes and large openings of regular geometric shapes. 

The main building, which is at the center of the complex, is divided into three parts – the Main Plaza, South Plaza and Presidential Plaza. An artificial lake surrounds three sides of the main building of Jatiyo Sangsad Bhaban, extending to the Members of Parliament hostel complex. This skillful use of water to portray the riverine beauty of Bangladesh adds to the aesthetic value of the site.The Parliament Chamber, which can seat up to 354 members during parliamentary sessions, forms the key part of the Main Plaza. The Parliament Chamber has been designed to make optimal use of natural daylight, which is reflected from the surrounding walls and octagonal drum into the chamber.The entrance to the Main Building and the Main Building itself is limited to authorized staff and Members of Parliament.This is a popular leisure area in Dhaka, with joggers and skaters enjoying the pathways through the gardens.
Visitors to the bustling capital city of Bangladesh should make a point of visiting Jatiyo Sangsad Bhaban, an architectural marvel set in tranquil surroundings.