Sunday 10 March 2013

Tourist spot Golden temple

The Buddha Dhatu Jadi, a Thervada Buddhist temple located in Balaghata in Banderban is the largest Buddhist temple of Bangladesh. Set atop a 60m hill, this temple popularly known as The Golden Temple exhibits unique Arakanese Architecture (South-East Asia style) and houses Lord Buddha's dhatu (material remains of a holy person) and the second largest statue of Lord Buddha in Bangladesh.
In Buddhism, it is believed that the worship of the dhatu offers calmness and joy in heart. In Mahaparinibbana Sutta, it is mentioned that before his passing away, the Buddha himself had instructed as to how his corporeal relics should be treated after his cremation and The Golden Temple as per the instructions has the dhatu housed beneath the four sculptures of Lord Buddha.

The dhatu was gifted to Venerable U Pannya Jota Thera in 1994 by the Government of Myanmar. The famous monk, a former Senior Assistant Judge
initiated the temple's construction in 1995 and since it's inauguration in 2000 has attracted pilgrims and travellers from all over the world.
The Buddha Dhatu Jadi is a part of the Buddhist Circuit Tour promoted by the SASEC (South Asia Sub regional Economic Cooperation) Tourism Development Project.

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